Sunday, September 18, 2011


Young Adults, the fall is upon us, and that means lots of upcoming YA events!

Tuesday September 27th
Drinks with the Dominicans at Blue Star Cafe
Come meet our newest Dominican, Father Boniface!

Thursday September 29th
Potluck in the Parish Hall
Meet your fellow Blessed Sacrament young adults over a casual meal. Please bring something delicious to share!

Thursday October 6th
Veritas in the Blessed Sacrament Priory (Margaret of Savoy Room)
Join us as we kick off the first of six discussions on "The Difference God Makes" by Cardinal Francis George. We will be reading excerpts, so no need to buy/read the book ahead.

Saturday October 8th
Oktoberfest! in the Parish Hall
Join the Knights of Columbus in fundraising for our Dominican seminarians with brats and beer!

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